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Introduction to the Course 课程介绍
发布时间: 2018-09-10

Overview of Chinese Culture offers International students the opportunity to explore the culture, folk customs and values of China as embodied in the history, literature, politics, art, and other enduring forms of cultural expression in English. This course offered International students culture experience activities inlcuding city tour, ceramic art, calligraphy, and paper cutting. The course is composed of 10 chapters to encourage students to  confront with aspects of Chinese and local culture both in theory and practice. It is a comprehensive course designed to be open and flexible for International students studying in China.


   “中国文化概况”英文授课课程针对外国来华留学生设置,内容涵盖中国传统风俗和现代生活,课程结构分为十章节、每章节两课,旨在帮助留学生掌握中国文化概况、基本文化术语,并能用中、英文加以正确表达, 由表及里地理解中国文化、地域文化及中国当代社会发展,并通过游历、剪纸、书法、陶瓷制作等文化体验活动培养留学生对中国文化的学习兴趣。课程配套《中国文化概况》英文版校本教材、微课、每单元教学视频、自主学习网站,实地调研活动。加强留学生对文化实景的感悟,培养留学生跨文化交际能力。

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